Contract for production two offshore substations (OSS) for the Baltic Power OWF has been signed
On 4th of October 2023, Baltic Operator Sp. z o.o., the subsidiary of Grupa Przemysłowa Baltic (Industrial Group Baltic), which also includes Gdansk Shipyard, signed a contract for manufacturing of two offshore substations (OSS) for the Baltic Wind Farm.
Baltic Operator will manufacture two substations with a total weight of 2 600 tons within the scope of the assigned contract. Production of the offshore substations for the first Polish wind farm in the Baltic Sea will start this month and will be carried out simultaneously at Grupa Przemysłowa Baltic’s production facilities in Gdansk and Gdynia.
We are pleased that our competence and many years of experience in manufacturing structures for offshore wind energy, especially substations, will be used for the construction of offshore wind farms in the domestic market as well. Indeed, to date, we have completed many contracts for European and American wind farms. Our company is steadily developing its competences in the field of construction for OSS topsides. Signing this contract is proof of confidence in our capabilities and manufacturing skills as a Group. The signed contract is not only an important step in the implementation of our Group’s strategy but also provides a solid basis for further joint ventures with our business partners – informs GPBaltic`s CEO, Mr. Henryk Ogryczak.
Production of subject substations enters smoothly following this month delivery from workstations in Gdynia of two substations for the US offshore project.
Grupa Przemysłowa Baltic (GPBaltic) is Poland’s number 1 largest and the most experienced manufacturer of wind towers and offshore substations.
List of main substations delivered by Industrial Group Baltic: